

Aissatou Ami Touré – mobile banking and inclusive finance

Aissatou Ami Touré – mobile banking and inclusive finance

Aissatou Ami Touré, Managing Director of Yassir Senegal, an Algerian e-commerce start-up. The company offers digital financial services, enabling users to pay, save and borrow, in addition to e-commerce and delivery solutions. During this interview, Aissatou discussed the challenges of mobile payments for e-commerce in Africa. She was awarded the Les Margaret Prize 2024 in the Africa category, organised by the Journée de la Femme Digitale (JFD).

South Africa: the ANC short of a parliamentary majority

South Africa: the ANC short of a parliamentary majority

Millions of South Africans went to the polls at the end of the month. It was a big turnout and this general election in one of Africa’s largest economies was labelled historic for what was at stake: the possibility that the ANC, Nelson Mandela's Party, would lose the majority and be forced into a coalition government. To talk about the election results and their consequences, Professor Sam Koma, Director of school of Economics and Management, Limpopo University joined us from South Africa.

Developing the rice sector in Cameroon

Developing the rice sector in Cameroon

The impact of climate change on agricultural production is becoming increasingly apparent, affecting almost all commodities. Rice is no exception, facing export restrictions from India and drought fears linked to El Niño in East Asia, leading to record-high prices. Despite this inflation, countries like Cameroon are still compelled to import rice to satisfy growing demand. Recently, local producers have started to develop a domestic industry.

DRC: fighting customs fraud

DRC: fighting customs fraud

Since 2019, several ECOWAS countries have adopted an interconnected system, SIGMAT, aiming to facilitate goods transportation while combating fraud. Last year, Ghana, Senegal, Guinea, and Mali joined, following Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Niger, and Togo. The main challenge now is to raise awareness in other African regions. In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), authorities are actively fighting fraud. Daniel Michombero, our correspondent, visited North Kivu, a key contributor to the state budget, to interview economic stakeholders.
