

Better ways of managing Madagascar’s tapia forest

Better ways of managing Madagascar’s tapia forest

🇲🇬 In central Madagascar, in the Itasy region, the tapia trees of the highlands are being felled on a massive scale for firewood and charcoal production. This deforestation is harmful to these thick-barked trees, which are found only in Madagascar and provide a habitat for the landibe, a wild silkworm. If well preserved, the Tapia forest can benefit the local economy. Working with local associations, NGOs are trying to encourage better management to preserve this natural habitat. This participative approach, in coordination with the local community, is leading not only to the conservation of biodiversity but also to an improvement in the quality of life of local residents through the revival of the silk industry.

How solar pump helps agriculture

How solar pump helps agriculture

When it comes to energy transition, what will be best for Africa? This is the question that arises in the aftermath of COP 28 in Dubai. Several regions on the continent have already stepped into the era of renewable energies. This is the case of Senegal, one of the countries that would like to become a leader in green energy in sub-Saharan Africa. This ambition involves the extension of solar capacity. Several projects supported by partners such as IFAD have already been carried out for the benefit of rural populations to help them cope with water shortages. Example of the benefits of the solar pump in the south-east of the country with this report.

AgouaLand, the largest wildlife park in West Africa

AgouaLand, the largest wildlife park in West Africa

Located in Abomey-Calavi in Benin, this educational and entertainment zoo was inaugurated in 2021 and now boasts 150 endemic and non-endemic species. The AgouaLand zoological research centre has laboratories available for students and researchers and welcomes groups from Benin's schools and universities every weekend. These educational outings enable students and their parents to learn and recharge their batteries in a setting where they can appreciate and discover the country's flora and fauna for the first time.
